Rosh Hashana, 5738 at a farbrengen the Rebbe spoke about the mitzvah of Ma’os Chittim, pointing out that the needs of the poor during Tishrei are even greater than during Nissan. He suggested that a fund be established supplying Shabbos and Yom Tov necessities to the needy. Shimshon and Martha Stock OBM answered the Rebbe’s call. For 45 years, CSSY has continuously been feeding the poor and needy and providing them with Simchas Shabbos & Yom Tov during Tishrei and throughout the year.
You won’t see pictures online showing our distributions, all our work is confidential and done in the most dignified manner. No question about it: your relative, friend, or neighbor is getting help from CSSY and you have no idea. That’s how we like it to be. Therefore it is also more difficult to raise the kind of funds we need to keep Crown Heights’ neediest afloat.
During an average week, our budget is $15,000. During Tishrei, the amount skyrockets. Over 400 families have requested money for food and basic Yom Tov necessities and we can’t tell them NO!
We must raise $500,000 to make sure everyone in need of financial assistance during the month of Tishrei is helped! !
With your partnership, we can make a difference in our community!
Remember “Aniyei Ircha Kodmin” – The poor in your own community comes first!
Our programs are 100% donor funded – any contribution you can offer will be graciously accepted and will go entirely to fund our operations. You can make a one-time or recurring donation.
CSSY is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax deductible.
For over 40 years, CSSY has been the first stop for families in Crown Heights. Every week, families rely on CSSY’s food vouchers, while hundreds more receive support for Yom Tov. From food vouchers and mental health support to backpacks, school supplies, Chanukah gifts and more, CSSY is there, assisting widows, orphans, the ill and homebound and large families discreetly and with dignity. Your neighbors, friends, and relatives depend on this lifeline.
Partner with CSSY to bring Simchas Shabbos V’yom Tov and much more to everyone in our community. Our programs are 100% donor-funded. Your donation, regardless of size, directly helps families in our community.
Thank you for your partnership and generosity.
CSSY is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
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