  • Select Amount
  • Your Details
  • Additional Information
  • Choose Payment
  • $180

    Shavuos chai sponsor

  • $360

    Sponsor a Yom Tov meal

  • $770

    Sponsor 1 day of Yom Tov

  • $1200

    Sponsor a family

  • $1800

    Torah Sponsor

  • $18,000

    Shavuos Partner

  • $36,000

    Shavuos Sponsor

  • Other

    A gift of any size will help bring Simchas Shabbos V'Yom

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This Shavous stand together and help the needy in our community!

Our programs are 100% donor funded – any contribution you can offer will be graciously accepted and will go entirely to fund our operations. You can make a one-time or recurring donation.

CSSY is a non profit 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax deductable. Thank you for your contribution.