just one shabbos
Just One Shabbos

This summer take the opportunity to help Crown Heights families for “Just One Shabbos!”!

Shabbos is a Mitzvah given to every Jew to relax and enjoy. Every family tries to take pleasure in Shabbos, in their own way, dedicated to family to rest, sing, celebrate and of course…eat! A happy Shabbos atmosphere is created around tables laden with delicious foods and drinks. However for some families there is no food…they simply cannot afford it.

While many in our community leave for the mountains or other summer extravaganzas, others who are struggling to make ends meet are left behind. At the very least we can make certain they have what to eat. It is up to each and every community member to ensure that you’re Crown Heights relatives, neighbors and friends are provided with food for Shabbos during the summer.

CSSY is sending these families vouchers to purchase Shabbos food and necessities all summer long. We need YOUR support to make it happen. It is with your partnership that Shabbos will be enjoyed by Crown Heights families this summer. Remember, they are YOUR relatives, YOUR neighbors, and YOUR friends. Many are widows and orphans, ill and home bound, and large families. They need YOUR help!

Partner with CSSY this summer season for our “Just One Shabbos” campaign. By donating at least “one shabbos” or more, you can really make a difference in our community. Please consider dedicating one two or ten weeks! Over 150 families thank you for participating!

Our programs are 100% donor funded – any contribution you can offer will be graciously accepted and will go entirely to fund our operations. You can make a one-time or recurring donation.

CSSY is a non profit 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax deductible.

  • Select Amount
  • Your Details
  • Additional Information
  • Choose Payment
  • $140

    Just One Shabbos / One Family

  • $280

    Just One Shabbos / Two Families

  • $420

    Just One Shabbos / Three Families

  • $680

    Just One Shabbos / Four Families

  • $850

    Just One Shabbos / Five Families

  • $1,020

    Just One Shabbos / Six Families

  • $1,800

    One Family throughout the summer

  • $18,000

    Ten Families throughout the summer

  • Other

    A gift of any size will help bring Simchas Shabbos V'Yom

Please charge the above amount to my credit card:*

Physical Address: Same as Billing Address

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